White papers
Chronic Wound Case Study

A case study done by Kalogon on Wound Care Management shows how the Kalogon Orbiter Smart Cushion helped a 53-year-old female living with spina bifida heal a chronic state 4 sacral pressure ulcer. The female known as Ms. Z presented with a longstanding 2-year-old chronic slowly healing stage 4 sacral pressure ulcer. She has been a full time powerchair user since June 2020. During a wheelchair transfer In March 2020, her mother noticed a quarter sized wound from a previous pressure injury had cracked open and was draining.
In the year before using the Kalogon Orbiter Smart Cushion, the wound progressed to a stage 4, requiring antibiotic therapy and 3 surgical debridement procedures. She reported her wound to be 15 x 8 cm and 6cm deep-sacrum exposed. She reported her pain to be an 8 out of 10. Ms. Z switched from her Roho Cushion to a Kalogon Cushion halfway through her 2-year recovery (June 2021).
​While the replacement of her Roho Cushion with the Kalogon cushion may not have been the single factor in the healing of this wound, Ms. Z reported that from the very first day, she was able to sit comfortably in her power chair for up to 4 hours without any issues. Her wound began to heal and remain stable over the course of the next year. As of May 24, 2022, the stage 4 sacral pressure ulcer previously present was deemed to be healed.
Ms. Z
"Now I can go and do what I have to on the Kalogon cushion."
Orbiter White Paper
At Risk Population
Kalogon's white paper on the technology powering our Orbiter cushions highlights the importance of pressure injury prevention and treatment for wheelchair users.
Pressure injuries are one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States, with their complications resulting in nearly 60,000 deaths annually. These injuries develop due to unmitigated pressure applied to the skin and deep tissue when seated for long periods of time, making wheelchair users particularly vulnerable.
Practicing consistent and proper pressure offloading is critical for preventing PI development; however many wheelchair users do not perform the offloads or have pre-existing conditions that make performing offloads extremely difficult. What results is unmitigated pressure and eventually a pressure injury.
Our Solution
Our Orbiter products use a combination of machine learning and patent- pending air cell technology to automatically adjust pressures applied on a wheelchair user's buttocks and thighs. These cushions is designed to detect pressure points in real-time to redistribute pressure, and aims to increase comfort and maintain blood flow through this adjusting process. Users and caregivers can use a companion app to personalize their experience to support pressure injury healing and pain relief.
Booster White Paper
At Risk Population
Kalogon's white paper on the technology powering our Booster cushion accessory for single-chamber vertical air cell cushions highlights a tool that provides peace of mind for people using these devices. As research continues to uncover the benefits of air-based cushions and their technological improvements for pressure injury care, people who use wheelchairs have reported some issues in their use. It is widely acknowledged that these cushions often suer from leaks or under/over inflation due to environmental changes or other external factors such as weight gain or postural change over time.
Cushion leaks can result in "bottoming out," where the cushion deflates to the point that the ischial tuberosities (ITs), sacrum, and coccyx are exposed to excessive pressure, increasing the risk of PI development. Many wheelchair users who may use air-based cushions lack sensation in their extremities and as such, are often unaware that they have bottomed out and unable to feel the increased pressure on their bodies.
Our Solution
Booster leverages some of the same technologies as in our core Orbiter products and adds others. Booster provides peace of mind by taking a pressure set point and maintaining it, while also providing alerts for leaks. This white paper walks through the product details.